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Version: 2.7.0

1. Overview

1.1 Plugin name#

  • Sofa plugin

1.2 Appropriate scenario#

  • Protocol conversion, a plugin that converts http protocol requests into the sofa framework protocol
  • Service Load Balancing.

1.3 Plugin functionality#

  • Converting http protocol requests to sofa framework protocol.

1.4 Plugin code#

  • Core Module shenyu-plugin-sofa
  • Core Class org.apache.shenyu.plugin.sofa.SofaPlugin

1.5 Added since which shenyu version#

  • 2.3.0

2. How to use plugin

2.1 Plugin-use procedure chart#


2.2 Import pom#

        <dependency>            <groupId></groupId>            <artifactId>rpc-sofa-boot-starter</artifactId>            <version>${rpc-sofa-boot-starter.version}</version>        </dependency>        <dependency>            <groupId>org.apache.shenyu</groupId>            <artifactId>shenyu-spring-boot-starter-client-sofa</artifactId>            <version>${project.version}</version>            <exclusions>                <exclusion>                    <artifactId>guava</artifactId>                    <groupId></groupId>                </exclusion>            </exclusions>        </dependency>

2.3 Configure in the client project#

  1. Configure the sofa configuration in application.yml.
com:  alipay:    sofa:      rpc:        registry-address: zookeeper:// # consul # nacos        bolt-port: 8888shenyu:  register:    registerType: http #zookeeper #etcd #nacos #consul    serverLists: http://localhost:9095 #localhost:2181 #http://localhost:2379 #localhost:8848    props:      username: admin      password: 123456  client:    sofa:      props:        contextPath: /sofa        ipAndPort: sofa        appName: sofa        port: 8888
  1. Configure the service interface exposed by the sofa service in the xml file in the resources directory.
<beans xmlns=""       xmlns:xsi=""       xmlns:sofa=""       xsi:schemaLocation="  "       default-autowire="byName">        <!-- 示例 sofa 接口 -->    <sofa:service ref="sofaSingleParamService" interface="org.apache.shenyu.examples.sofa.api.service.SofaSingleParamService">        <sofa:binding.bolt/>    </sofa:service>        <!-- 示例 sofa 接口 -->    <sofa:service ref="sofaMultiParamService" interface="org.apache.shenyu.examples.sofa.api.service.SofaMultiParamService">        <sofa:binding.bolt/>    </sofa:service></beans>
  1. Add the @ShenyuSofaClient annotation to the interface.
@ShenyuSofaClient("/demo")@Servicepublic class SofaClientMultiParamServiceImpl implements SofaClientMultiParamService {        @Override    @ShenyuSofaClient("/findByIdsAndName")    public SofaSimpleTypeBean findByIdsAndName(final List<Integer> ids, final String name) {        return new SofaSimpleTypeBean(ids.toString(), "hello world shenyu sofa param findByIdsAndName :" + name);    }}

2.4 Enable plugin#

  • In shenyu-admin --> BasicConfig --> Plugin --> sofa set Status enabled.


2.5 Config plugin#

2.5.1 Registry Config#


  • protocol: Register center protocol, currently supports zookeeper、consul、nacos.
  • register: The service IP and PORT of the registry.
  • threadpool:There are five types of business thread pools: fixed, eager, cached, limited and shared. The first 4 types correspond to the thread pools officially provided by dubbo. Let's talk about shared, as its name implies, all proxy plugins share a shared thread pool, the advantage of this is that it can reduce the number of thread pools, thereby reducing memory and improving resource utilization.
  • corethreads:The number of core threads in the business thread pool.
  • threads:The maximum number of threads in the business thread pool.
  • queues:The length of the blocking queue of the business thread pool, 0 means unbounded blocking queue.

2.5.2 Selector config#

Flow needs to be matched by selector.


  • Automatically configure the selector with the @ShenyuSofaClient annotation.

2.5.3 Rule Config#

After the traffic has been successfully matched by the selector, it will enter the rules for the final traffic matching.


  • Automatically configure the selector with the @ShenyuSofaClient annotation.

2.5.4 Metadata config#

When the sofa application client accesses the Apache ShenYu gateway, it will be automatically registered, and can be viewed in the -shenyu-admin backend management system's basic configuration --> metadata management, each sofa interface method, will correspond to a metadata.


  • AppName: specifies the name of the application to which the metadata belongs.

  • MethodName: the name of the method to call.

  • Path: http request path.

  • PathDescribe: the description of the path is easy to view.

  • ParamsType: the parameters are separated by commas (,) in the order of interface parameter types.

  • RpcExpand: other configurations of the sofa interface, which support the JSON format.


    • loadbalance:Load balancing policy, currently supports roundRobin, random and hash.
    • retries:Number of retries to call client timeout failures.
    • timeout:Calling the client's timeout time.
  • Interface: The fully qualified class name of the sofa interface.

  • RpcType:choose sofa.

2.6 Examples#

2.6.1 Accessing the sofa service via Zookeeper using ShenYu# Preparation#

  • Start Zookeeper service.
  • Start ShenYu Admin.
  • Start Shenyu Bootstrap. Plugin Config#

  • In shenyu-admin --> BasicConfig --> Plugin --> sofa set Status enabled, And adjust the registry configuration as needed.
  • Adjust to the actual situation shenyu-examples-sofa application.yml configuration in the project and start it. Request service and check result#


3. How to disable plugin

  • In shenyu-admin --> BasicConfig --> Plugin --> sofa set Status disable.
