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Version: 2.7.0

gRPC Plugin


  • The grpc plugin is a plugin that converts the Http protocol into the grpc protocol.

Plugin Setting#

  • Add related dependencies and enable plugin, please refer to: Quick start with gRPC .

  • gRPC client access, please refer to: gRPC Proxy .

  • New fields and meanings of grpc plugin since 2.4.3:

    • threadpool:There are two types of business thread pools, cached and shared.

      cached is equivalent to the default thread pool officially provided by grpc;

      shared thread pool, just as its name, all proxy plugins share a shared `Thread pool, the advantage of doing this is that it can reduce the number of thread pools, thereby reducing memory and improving resource utilization.

Plugin Detail#

After the client accesses the Apache ShenYu gateway, it will automatically register the selector and rule information. You can see it in PluginList -> rpc proxy -> grpc. For details about the selector and rule configuration, see Selector And Rule Config .

Selector Handler#

Selector Handler, the handle field, is the processing operation that the gateway can perform after matching the traffic.

  • config details:

    • ip:port:enter the ip:port of your real service .

    • protocol:indicates the Http protocol. Generally, the value is http:// or https://. If the value is not specified, the default value is http:// .

    • weight:service weight.

    • status:open or close.


Each grpc interface method, will correspond to a metadata, when the grpc application client access to the Apache ShenYu gateway, will be automatically registered, can be viewed in the shenyu-admin background management system of the BasicConfig --> Metadata management.

  • AppName: specifies the name of the application to which the metadata belongs.

  • MethodName: the name of the method to call.

  • Path: http request path.

  • PathDescribe: the description of the path is easy to view.

  • ParamsType: the parameters are separated by commas (,) in the order of interface parameter types.

  • RpcExpand: other configurations of the grpc interface, which support the JSON format, are as follows:

{  "timeout": 5000,  "methodType": "SERVER_STREAMING"}
  • Interface: The fully qualified class name of the grpc interface.

  • RpcType:choose grpc.