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Version: 2.4.3

Binary Packages Deployment

This article introduces the deployment of the Apache ShenYu gateway using the binary packages.

Before you read this document, you need to complete some preparations before deploying Shenyu according to the Deployment Prerequisites document.

Start Apache ShenYu Admin#

> windows: start.bat = h2
> linux: ./ = h2
  • use MySQL to store data, follow the guide document to initialize the database, copy mysql-connector.jar to /$(your_work_dir)/ext-lib, go to the /conf directory, and modify the JDBC configuration in application-mysql.yml.
> windows: start.bat = mysql
> linux: ./ = mysql
  • use PostgreSql to store data, follow the guide document to initialize the database, go to the /conf directory, and modify the JDBC configuration in application-pg.yml.
> windows: start.bat = pg
> linux: ./ = pg
  • use Oracle to store data, follow the guide document to initialize the database, go to the /conf directory, and modify the JDBC configuration in application-oracle.yml.
> windows: start.bat = oracle
> linux: ./ = oracle

Start Apache ShenYu Bootstrap#

> windwos : start.bat 
> linux : ./