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Version: 2.4.3

Cluster Deployment

Before you read this document, you need to complete some preparations before deploying Shenyu according to the Deployment Prerequisites document.

This aritcle introduces how to delopy the Shenyu gateway in cluster enviroment.

In this part, you can see ShenYu Binary Packages Deployment before deploying.

Enviromental Preparation#

  • Two or more Gateway Boostrap servers, these servers must install JDK1.8+.
  • A server for Gateway Admin, this server must install mysql/pgsql/h2 and JDK1.8+.
  • A server for nginx.

Start Apache ShenYu Admin#

  • download and unzip apache-shenyu-incubating-2.4.3-admin-bin.tar.gz in your Gateway Admin server.

  • config your database, go to the /conf directory, and modify of the configuration in application.yaml to mysql, pg or h2.

  • config your way of synchronization, go to the /conf directory, and modify shenyu.sync of configuration in application.yaml to websocket, http, zookeeper, etcd, consul or nacos.

  • start Apache ShenYu Admin in bin directory.

> windows: start.bat 
> linux: ./ 

Start Apache ShenYu Boostrap#

  • download and unzip apache-shenyu-incubating-2.4.3-bootstrap-bin.tar.gz in your Gateway Boostrap server.

  • config your synchronization, go to the /conf directory, and modify shenyu.sync of configuration in application.yaml to websocket, http, zookeeper, etcd, consul or nacos, this configuaration must remain the same of ShenyYu Admin.

  • repeat above-mentioned operations in each ShenYu Bootstrap server.

  • start Apache ShenYu Bootstrap in bin directory.

> windwos : start.bat 
> linux : ./ 

After completing these operations, you will deploy ShenYu Boostrap Cluster.

For example. you will deploy ShenYu Bootstrap in and and deploy nginx in

Start Nginx#

  • download and install nginx.

  • modify upstream and server of configuration in nginx.conf.

upstream shenyu_gateway_cluster {  ip_hash;  server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=10s weight=50;  server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=10s weight=50;}
server {  location / {        proxy_pass http://shenyu_gateway_cluster;        proxy_set_header HOST $host;        proxy_read_timeout 10s;        proxy_connect_timeout 10s;  }}
  • start nginx.
> windows: ./nginx.exe
> linux: /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx 
  • verify nginx, looking at your ShenYu Bootstrap log or Nginx log, Where will the verification request go.