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Version: 2.4.2



  • 本文介绍基于 Apache ShenYu 网关返回自定义的数据格式。
  • 网关需要统一的返回格式,如果需要自己定义格式,可以进行扩展。


  • 默认的实现为 org.apache.shenyu.plugin.api.result.DefaultShenyuResult

  • 返回的数据格式如下:

public class DefaultShenyuEntity implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -2792556188993845048L;
    private Integer code;
    private String message;
    private Object data;
  • 返回的 json 格式如下:
{    "code": -100, //返回码,    "message": "您的参数错误,请检查相关文档!", //提示字段    "data": null  // 具体的数据}


  • 新增一个类 CustomShenyuResult 实现 org.apache.shenyu.plugin.api.result.ShenyuResult
/** * The interface shenyu result. */public interface ShenyuResult<T> {
    /**     * The response result.     *     * @param exchange the exchange     * @param formatted the formatted object     * @return the result object     */    default Object result(ServerWebExchange exchange, Object formatted) {        return formatted;    }
    /**     * format the origin, default is json format.     *     * @param exchange the exchange     * @param origin the origin     * @return format origin     */    default Object format(ServerWebExchange exchange, Object origin) {        // basic data        if (ObjectTypeUtils.isBasicType(origin)) {            return origin;        }        // error result or rpc origin result.        return JsonUtils.toJson(origin);    }
    /**     * the response context type, default is application/json.     *     * @param exchange the exchange     * @param formatted the formatted data that is origin data or byte[] convert string     * @return the context type     */    default MediaType contentType(ServerWebExchange exchange, Object formatted) {        return MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON;    }
    /**     * Error t.     *     * @param code    the code     * @param message the message     * @param object  the object     * @return the t     */    T error(int code, String message, Object object);}


  • 其中泛型 T 为自定义的数据格式,返回它就好。

  • 把你新增的实现类注册成为Springbean,如下:

@Beanpublic ShenyuResult<?> customShenyuResult() {    return new CustomShenyuResult();}