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【Soul gateway release milestone version 2.3.0】New support for grpc, tars and sofa protocols!

· 4 min read

It's half a year since the last release. In this half a year, our community friends and I have done too much. Completed nearly 200 PR, published nearly 300 articles of source code analysis, added more than 120 contributors, promoted 7 members of the commiter who won the legitimate JetBrains. We have completed many, many functions With their help. Thank you very much.


Admin is the control panel of the whole gateway, which is in charge of all traffic and rules matching.

  • The Shiro framework is integrated into admin to complete the permission control in user button level.
  • Templated plug-ins allow users to focus on data configuration without perceiving front-end pages.
  • The internationalization of the whole backend of admin , supports switching between Chinese and English.
  • New support for H2 to store data.
  • Beautiful optimization of admin interface (table, button).
  • New unit tests have been added, with a coverage rate of 70%.

Soul gateway plugin#

New plugins#

  • Add Grpc plugin to fully support grpc protocol.
  • Add Tars plugin to support Tencent tars RPC Protocol.
  • Add sofa plugin supports the sofa RPC Protocol.
  • Add sentinel plugin to integrate the fusing and current limiting function of sentinel framework.
  • Add The resilience4j plugin to integrate the fusing and current limiting function of resilience4j framework.
  • Add the redisect plugin to support user redirection.
  • Add context path plugin to support user-defined context path

plugins optimization#

  • Divide plugin: optimization of node detection mode and flow preheating mode.
  • Ratelimit plugin: add some different current limiting algorithms such as concurrent, leaky bucket and other for users to choose .
  • Sign plugin: fix the bug that URL must be set; add whether to verify flag, which can be used for URI authentication of open platform.
  • Dubbo plugin: add form, URI parameter request, direct connection to registration center , parameter verification and other functions.

Soul Client#

Soul client only provides a client to access the soul gateway with a quick way, which is not necessary. you can configure the rules in Soul admin If you don't use Soul Client.

  • Spring MVC client optimization, support spring, spring boot all versions.
  • Spring cloud client optimization, support spring, spring boot all versions.
  • Dubbo client optimization, support spring, spring boot all versions.
  • Soul grpc client is added to support grpc Java user access.
  • Soul tars client is added to support tars Java user access.
  • Soul sofa client is added to support sofa Java user access.

In the previous version, only HTTP access is supported, but the registry access is added this time.

  • Zookeeper is added as the registration center to access Soul gateway.
  • Nacos is added as the registration center to access Soul gateway.
  • Consul is added as the registration center to access Soul gateway.
  • Etcd is added as the registration center to access Soul gateway.
  • Please refer to

Soul data synchronization#

  • Fix bugs in Nacos configuration center that do not have namespace set.
  • Optimize websocket synchronization mode.
  • Solve the HTTP long polling synchronous data bug when the soul admin in deployed in cluster


This is a milestone release and a formal change of Soul gateway. Our dashboard, code, documents, issue and PR are all internationalized in English, and the unit test coverage of the whole project has reached 70%.Thank you again for your hard work. Although we have completed a lot of functions (I did not fully list them above), we will have more challenges in the future. I believe that with you, this is not our end, but our starting point.

Join us#

At present, Soul is in the stage of rapid development. If you want to write high-quality code, or want to deeply understand the API gateway, or enjoy the fun of open source, you are welcome to join our community