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New Features#

  1. Add logging-aliyun-sls plugin.
  2. Add mock plugin.
  3. Add logging-es plugin.
  4. Add logging-rocketmq plugin.
  5. Add logging-kafka plugin.
  6. Add custom message writer in response plugin.
  7. Add record log in admin.
  8. Add apache dubbo http.
  9. Add nacos register.
  10. Add the logic of annotation on the splicing class for sofa client.
  11. Add the logic of annotation on the splicing class for motan client.
  12. Add netty http server parameters.
  13. Add the logic of annotation on the splicing class for apache dubbo client.
  14. Add alert module.
  15. Add support configurable timeout for MotanPlugin.
  16. Add api document.
  17. Add user permissions Exclude admin.
  18. Add springBoot upgrade to 2.6.8.
  19. Add support regsiter instance to consul.
  20. Add admin Support oracle database.


  1. Enhancement cache pluign.
  2. Enhancement divide plugin.


  1. Refactor spring cloud loadbalancer.
  2. Refactor thread pool.
  3. Refactor max memory config logic.
  4. Refactor cors logic.
  5. Refactor selector match.
  6. Refactor fixed and elastic connection provider pool.
  7. Refactor uri register.
  8. Refactor zk client delete logic.
  9. Refactor IpUtils.
  10. Refactor result wrap.
  11. Refactor app auth.
  12. Refactor http client.
  13. Refactor proxy and webclient remove host.
  14. Refactor shared thread pool.

Bug Fix#

  1. Fix divide has nullpointerexception.
  2. Fix body maxInMemorySize.
  3. Fix admin delay update handle in selector.
  4. Fix register-client loop error.
  5. Fix the error of combination plugin.
  6. Fix sofa and websocket client lossless registration.
  7. Fix grpc client lossless registration.
  8. Fix springcloud client lossless registration.
  9. Fix spring cloud dubbo example.
  10. Fix NPE repair of admin module caused by spring MVC example synchronization.
  11. Fix curator version incompatible in bootstrap.
  12. Fix hidden logic bug.
  13. Fix failure to load local plugins.
  14. Fix pg script error.
  15. Fix hystrix-plugin tests failure.
  16. Fix client registration by consul only register 1 metadata.
  17. Fix websocket datasync can chose allow origin to avoid CSRF.