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Version: 2.7.0

Register Center Instance Config

This document will introduce how to register the gateway instance to the registry. The Apache ShenYu gateway currently supports registration to zookeeper , etcd and consul.

Add Maven dependency#

First, introduce the following dependencies in the gateway's pom.xml file.

<!--shenyu registry start--><dependency>    <groupId>org.apache.shenyu</groupId>    <artifactId>shenyu-spring-boot-starter-registry</artifactId>    <version>${project.version}</version></dependency><!--shenyu registry end-->

Use zookeeper#

Please pay attention! From ShenYu 2.5.0, ShenYu will no longer support Zookeeper 3.4.x or below version. If you're already using Zookeeper, You need to use Zookeeper with a higher version and initialize the data.

Add the following configuration to the gateway's yml file:

registry:    enabled: true    registerType: zookeeper    serverLists: localhost:2181 #config with your zk address, used by the cluster environment, separated with (,).    props:      sessionTimeout: 3000 #Optional, default 3000      connectionTimeout: 3000 #Optional, default 3000

Use etcd#

Add the following configuration to the gateway's yml file:

registry:    enabled: true    registerType: etcd    serverLists: http://localhost:2379 #config with your etcd address, used by the cluster environment, separated with (,).    props:      etcdTimeout: 3000 #Optional, default 3000      etcdTTL: 5 #Optional, default 5

Use apollo#

Add the following configuration to the gateway's yml file:

registry:    enabled: true    registerType: apollo    serverLists: http://localhost:8080    props:      env: dev      appId: shenyu      namespace: application      clusterName: default      token: 0fff5645fc74ee5e0d63a6389433c8c8afc0beea31eed0279ecc1c8961d12da9      portalUrl: http://localhost:8070

After the configuration is complete, start the gateway and it will successfully register to the corresponding registration center.