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Version: 2.7.0

K8s Deployment

Before you read this document, you need to complete some preparations before deploying Shenyu according to the Deployment Prerequisites document.

This article introduces the use of K8s to deploy the Apache ShenYu gateway.


Example 1: Using h2 as a database

  1. create Namespace and ConfigMap
  2. deploying shenyu-admin
  3. deploy shenyu-bootstrap

Example 2: Use MySQL as the database

Similar to the h2 process, there are two points to note

  1. you need to load mysql-connector.jar, the download command is executed when the container is started
  2. you need to specify an external MySQL database configuration

The process is as follows.

  1. create Namespace and ConfigMap
  2. deploy shenyu-admin
  3. deploy shenyu-bootstrap

Example 1: Using h2 as a database#

1. Create Namespace and ConfigMap#

  • create shenyu-ns.yaml
apiVersion: v1kind: Namespacemetadata:  name: shenyu  labels:    name: shenyu---apiVersion: v1kind: ConfigMapmetadata:  name: shenyu-cm  namespace: shenyudata:  shenyu-admin-application.yml: |    server:      port: 9095      address:    spring:      profiles:        active: h2      thymeleaf:        cache: true        encoding: utf-8        enabled: true        prefix: classpath:/static/        suffix: .html      mvc:        pathmatch:          matching-strategy: ant_path_matcher    mybatis:      config-location: classpath:/mybatis/mybatis-config.xml      mapper-locations: classpath:/mappers/*.xml    shenyu:      register:        registerType: http #http #zookeeper #etcd #nacos #consul        serverLists: #localhost:2181 #http://localhost:2379 #localhost:8848        props:          sessionTimeout: 5000          connectionTimeout: 2000          checked: true          zombieCheckTimes: 5          scheduledTime: 10          nacosNameSpace: ShenyuRegisterCenter      sync:        websocket:          enabled: true          messageMaxSize: 10240          allowOrigins: ws://shenyu-admin-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9095;ws://shenyu-bootstrap-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9195;      ldap:        enabled: false        url: ldap://xxxx:xxx        bind-dn: cn=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx        password: xxxx        base-dn: ou=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx        object-class: person        login-field: cn      jwt:        expired-seconds: 86400000      shiro:        white-list:          - /          - /favicon.*          - /static/**          - /index**          - /platform/login          - /websocket          - /error          - /actuator/health          - /swagger-ui.html          - /webjars/**          - /swagger-resources/**          - /v2/api-docs          - /csrf      swagger:        enable: true      apidoc:        gatewayUrl:        envProps:          - envLabel: Test environment            addressLabel: Request Address            addressUrl:          - envLabel: Prod environment            addressLabel: Request Address            addressUrl:    logging:      level:        root: info        org.springframework.boot: info        org.apache.ibatis: info        org.apache.shenyu.bonuspoint: info        org.apache.shenyu.lottery: info        org.apache.shenyu: info  shenyu-admin-application-h2.yml: |    shenyu:      database:        dialect: h2        init_script: "sql-script/h2/schema.sql"        init_enable: true    spring:      datasource:        url: jdbc:h2:mem:~/shenyu;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;MODE=MySQL;        username: sa        password: sa        driver-class-name: org.h2.Driver  shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml: |    server:      port: 9195      address:    spring:      main:        allow-bean-definition-overriding: true        allow-circular-references: true      application:        name: shenyu-bootstrap      codec:        max-in-memory-size: 2MB      cloud:        discovery:          enabled: false        nacos:          discovery:            server-addr: # Spring Cloud Alibaba Dubbo use this.            enabled: false            namespace: ShenyuRegisterCenter    eureka:      client:        enabled: false        serviceUrl:          defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/      instance:        prefer-ip-address: true    management:      health:        defaults:          enabled: false    shenyu:      matchCache:        selector:          selectorEnabled: false          initialCapacity: 10000 # initial capacity in cache          maximumSize: 10000 # max size in cache        rule:          initialCapacity: 10000 # initial capacity in cache          maximumSize: 10000 # max size in cache      trie:        childrenSize: 10000        pathVariableSize: 1000        pathRuleCacheSize: 1000        matchMode: antPathMatch      netty:        http:          # set to false, user can custom the netty tcp server config.          webServerFactoryEnabled: true          selectCount: 1          workerCount: 4          accessLog: false          serverSocketChannel:            soRcvBuf: 87380            soBackLog: 128            soReuseAddr: false            connectTimeoutMillis: 10000            writeBufferHighWaterMark: 65536            writeBufferLowWaterMark: 32768            writeSpinCount: 16            autoRead: false            allocType: "pooled"            messageSizeEstimator: 8            singleEventExecutorPerGroup: true          socketChannel:            soKeepAlive: false            soReuseAddr: false            soLinger: -1            tcpNoDelay: true            soRcvBuf: 87380            soSndBuf: 16384            ipTos: 0            allowHalfClosure: false            connectTimeoutMillis: 10000            writeBufferHighWaterMark: 65536            writeBufferLowWaterMark: 32768            writeSpinCount: 16            autoRead: false            allocType: "pooled"            messageSizeEstimator: 8            singleEventExecutorPerGroup: true      instance:        enabled: false        registerType: zookeeper #etcd #consul        serverLists: localhost:2181 #http://localhost:2379 #localhost:8848        props:      cross:        enabled: true        allowedHeaders:        allowedMethods: "*"        allowedAnyOrigin: true # the same of Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*"        allowedExpose: ""        maxAge: "18000"        allowCredentials: true      switchConfig:        local: true      file:        enabled: true        maxSize : 10      sync:        websocket:          urls: ws://shenyu-admin-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9095/websocket          allowOrigin: ws://shenyu-bootstrap-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9195      exclude:        enabled: false        paths:          - /favicon.ico      fallback:        enabled: false        paths:          - /fallback/hystrix          - /fallback/resilience4j      health:        enabled: false        paths:          - /actuator/health          - /health_check      extPlugin:        path:        enabled: true        threads: 1        scheduleTime: 300        scheduleDelay: 30      scheduler:        enabled: false        type: fixed        threads: 16      upstreamCheck:        enabled: false        timeout: 3000        healthyThreshold: 1        unhealthyThreshold: 1        interval: 5000        printEnabled: true        printInterval: 60000      ribbon:        serverListRefreshInterval: 10000      metrics:        enabled: false        name : prometheus        host:        port: 8090        jmxConfig:        props:          jvm_enabled: true      local:        enabled: false        sha512Key: "BA3253876AED6BC22D4A6FF53D8406C6AD864195ED144AB5C87621B6C233B548BAEAE6956DF346EC8C17F5EA10F35EE3CBC514797ED7DDD3145464E2A0BAB413"    logging:      level:        root: info        org.springframework.boot: info        org.apache.ibatis: info        org.apache.shenyu.bonuspoint: info        org.apache.shenyu.lottery: info        org.apache.shenyu: info
  • execute kubectl apply -f shenyu-ns.yaml

2. Create shenyu-admin#

  • create shenyu-admin.yaml
# Example of using the nodeport type to expose portsapiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  namespace: shenyu  name: shenyu-admin-svcspec:  selector:    app: shenyu-admin  type: NodePort  ports:  - protocol: TCP    port: 9095    targetPort: 9095    nodePort: 31095---# shenyu-adminapiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata:  namespace: shenyu  name: shenyu-adminspec:  selector:    matchLabels:      app: shenyu-admin  replicas: 1  template:    metadata:      labels:        app: shenyu-admin    spec:      volumes:      - name: shenyu-admin-application        configMap:          name: shenyu-cm          items:          - key: shenyu-admin-application.yml            path: shenyu-admin-application.yml      - name: shenyu-admin-application-h2        configMap:          name: shenyu-cm          items:          - key: shenyu-admin-application-h2.yml            path: shenyu-admin-application-h2.yml      containers:      - name: shenyu-admin        image: apache/shenyu-admin:latest        imagePullPolicy: Always        ports:        - containerPort: 9095        env:        - name: 'TZ'          value: 'Asia/Beijing'        volumeMounts:        - name: shenyu-admin-application          mountPath: /opt/shenyu-admin/conf/application.yml          subPath: shenyu-admin-application.yml        - name: shenyu-admin-application-h2          mountPath: /opt/shenyu-admin/conf/application-h2.yml          subPath: shenyu-admin-application-h2.yml
  • executekubectl apply -f shenyu-admin.yaml

3. Create shenyu-bootstrap#

  • create shenyu-bootstrap.yaml
# Example of using the nodeport type to expose portsapiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  namespace: shenyu  name: shenyu-bootstrap-svcspec:  selector:    app: shenyu-bootstrap  type: NodePort  ports:  - protocol: TCP    port: 9195    targetPort: 9195    nodePort: 31195---# shenyu-bootstrapapiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata:  namespace: shenyu  name: shenyu-bootstrapspec:  selector:    matchLabels:      app: shenyu-bootstrap  replicas: 1  template:    metadata:      labels:        app: shenyu-bootstrap    spec:      volumes:      - name: shenyu-bootstrap-application        configMap:          name: shenyu-cm          items:          - key: shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml            path: shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml      containers:      - name: shenyu-bootstrap        image: apache/shenyu-bootstrap:latest        ports:        - containerPort: 9195        env:        - name: TZ          value: Asia/Beijing        volumeMounts:        - name: shenyu-bootstrap-application          mountPath: /opt/shenyu-bootstrap/conf/application.yml          subPath: shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml
  • execute kubectl apply -f shenyu-bootstrap.yaml

Example 2: Use MySQL as the database#

1. Create Namespace and ConfigMap#

  • create shenyu-ns.yaml
apiVersion: v1kind: Namespacemetadata:  name: shenyu  labels:    name: shenyu---apiVersion: v1kind: ConfigMapmetadata:  name: shenyu-cm  namespace: shenyudata:  shenyu-admin-application.yml: |    server:      port: 9095      address:    spring:      profiles:        active: mysql      thymeleaf:        cache: true        encoding: utf-8        enabled: true        prefix: classpath:/static/        suffix: .html      mvc:        pathmatch:          matching-strategy: ant_path_matcher    mybatis:      config-location: classpath:/mybatis/mybatis-config.xml      mapper-locations: classpath:/mappers/*.xml    shenyu:      register:        registerType: http #http #zookeeper #etcd #nacos #consul        serverLists: #localhost:2181 #http://localhost:2379 #localhost:8848        props:          sessionTimeout: 5000          connectionTimeout: 2000          checked: true          zombieCheckTimes: 5          scheduledTime: 10          nacosNameSpace: ShenyuRegisterCenter      sync:        websocket:          enabled: true          messageMaxSize: 10240          allowOrigins: ws://shenyu-admin-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9095;ws://shenyu-bootstrap-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9195;      ldap:        enabled: false        url: ldap://xxxx:xxx        bind-dn: cn=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx        password: xxxx        base-dn: ou=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx        object-class: person        login-field: cn      jwt:        expired-seconds: 86400000      shiro:        white-list:          - /          - /favicon.*          - /static/**          - /index**          - /platform/login          - /websocket          - /error          - /actuator/health          - /swagger-ui.html          - /webjars/**          - /swagger-resources/**          - /v2/api-docs          - /csrf      swagger:        enable: true      apidoc:        gatewayUrl:        envProps:          - envLabel: Test environment            addressLabel: Request Address            addressUrl:          - envLabel: Prod environment            addressLabel: Request Address            addressUrl:    logging:      level:        root: info        org.springframework.boot: info        org.apache.ibatis: info        org.apache.shenyu.bonuspoint: info        org.apache.shenyu.lottery: info        org.apache.shenyu: info  shenyu-admin-application-mysql.yml: |    shenyu:      database:        dialect: mysql        init_script: "sql-script/mysql/schema.sql"        init_enable: true    spring:      datasource:        url: jdbc:mysql://{your_mysql_ip}:{your_mysql_port}/shenyu?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false        username: {your_mysql_user}        password: {your_mysql_password}        driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver  shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml: |    server:      port: 9195      address:    spring:      main:        allow-bean-definition-overriding: true        allow-circular-references: true      application:        name: shenyu-bootstrap      codec:        max-in-memory-size: 2MB      cloud:        discovery:          enabled: false        nacos:          discovery:            server-addr: # Spring Cloud Alibaba Dubbo use this.            enabled: false            namespace: ShenyuRegisterCenter    eureka:      client:        enabled: false        serviceUrl:          defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/      instance:        prefer-ip-address: true    management:      health:        defaults:          enabled: false    shenyu:      matchCache:        selector:          selectorEnabled: false          initialCapacity: 10000 # initial capacity in cache          maximumSize: 10000 # max size in cache        rule:          initialCapacity: 10000 # initial capacity in cache          maximumSize: 10000 # max size in cache      trie:        childrenSize: 10000        pathVariableSize: 1000        pathRuleCacheSize: 1000        matchMode: antPathMatch      netty:        http:          # set to false, user can custom the netty tcp server config.          webServerFactoryEnabled: true          selectCount: 1          workerCount: 4          accessLog: false          serverSocketChannel:            soRcvBuf: 87380            soBackLog: 128            soReuseAddr: false            connectTimeoutMillis: 10000            writeBufferHighWaterMark: 65536            writeBufferLowWaterMark: 32768            writeSpinCount: 16            autoRead: false            allocType: "pooled"            messageSizeEstimator: 8            singleEventExecutorPerGroup: true          socketChannel:            soKeepAlive: false            soReuseAddr: false            soLinger: -1            tcpNoDelay: true            soRcvBuf: 87380            soSndBuf: 16384            ipTos: 0            allowHalfClosure: false            connectTimeoutMillis: 10000            writeBufferHighWaterMark: 65536            writeBufferLowWaterMark: 32768            writeSpinCount: 16            autoRead: false            allocType: "pooled"            messageSizeEstimator: 8            singleEventExecutorPerGroup: true      instance:        enabled: false        registerType: zookeeper #etcd #consul        serverLists: localhost:2181 #http://localhost:2379 #localhost:8848        props:      cross:        enabled: true        allowedHeaders:        allowedMethods: "*"        allowedAnyOrigin: true # the same of Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*"        allowedExpose: ""        maxAge: "18000"        allowCredentials: true      switchConfig:        local: true      file:        enabled: true        maxSize : 10      sync:        websocket:          urls: ws://shenyu-admin-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9095/websocket          allowOrigin: ws://shenyu-bootstrap-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9195      exclude:        enabled: false        paths:          - /favicon.ico      fallback:        enabled: false        paths:          - /fallback/hystrix          - /fallback/resilience4j      health:        enabled: false        paths:          - /actuator/health          - /health_check      extPlugin:        path:        enabled: true        threads: 1        scheduleTime: 300        scheduleDelay: 30      scheduler:        enabled: false        type: fixed        threads: 16      upstreamCheck:        enabled: false        timeout: 3000        healthyThreshold: 1        unhealthyThreshold: 1        interval: 5000        printEnabled: true        printInterval: 60000      ribbon:        serverListRefreshInterval: 10000      metrics:        enabled: false        name : prometheus        host:        port: 8090        jmxConfig:        props:          jvm_enabled: true      local:        enabled: false        sha512Key: "BA3253876AED6BC22D4A6FF53D8406C6AD864195ED144AB5C87621B6C233B548BAEAE6956DF346EC8C17F5EA10F35EE3CBC514797ED7DDD3145464E2A0BAB413"    logging:      level:        root: info        org.springframework.boot: info        org.apache.ibatis: info        org.apache.shenyu.bonuspoint: info        org.apache.shenyu.lottery: info        org.apache.shenyu: info
  • execute kubectl apply -f shenyu-ns.yaml

2. Create shenyu-admin#

  • create shenyu-admin.yaml
# Example of using the nodeport type to expose portsapiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  namespace: shenyu  name: shenyu-admin-svcspec:  selector:    app: shenyu-admin  type: NodePort  ports:  - protocol: TCP    port: 9095    targetPort: 9095    nodePort: 31095---# shenyu-adminapiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata:  namespace: shenyu  name: shenyu-adminspec:  selector:    matchLabels:      app: shenyu-admin  replicas: 1  template:    metadata:      labels:        app: shenyu-admin    spec:      volumes:      - name: shenyu-admin-application        configMap:          name: shenyu-cm          items:          - key: shenyu-admin-application.yml            path: shenyu-admin-application.yml      - name: shenyu-admin-application-mysql        configMap:          name: shenyu-cm          items:          - key: shenyu-admin-application-mysql.yml            path: shenyu-admin-application-mysql.yml      - name: mysql-connector-volume        emptyDir: {}      initContainers:      - name: download-mysql-jar        image: busybox:1.35.0        command: [ "sh","-c"]        args: ["wget;            wget;            if [ $(md5sum mysql-connector-java-8.0.23.jar | cut -d ' ' -f1) = $(cat mysql-connector-java-8.0.23.jar.md5) ];            then echo success;            else echo failed;            exit 1;            fi;            mv /mysql-connector-java-8.0.23.jar /opt/shenyu-admin/ext-lib/mysql-connector-java.jar" ]        volumeMounts:        - name: mysql-connector-volume          mountPath: /opt/shenyu-admin/ext-lib      containers:      - name: shenyu-admin        image: apache/shenyu-admin:latest        imagePullPolicy: Always        ports:        - containerPort: 9095        env:        - name: 'TZ'          value: 'Asia/Beijing'        - name: SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE          value: mysql        volumeMounts:        - name: shenyu-admin-application          mountPath: /opt/shenyu-admin/conf/application.yml          subPath: shenyu-admin-application.yml        - name: shenyu-admin-application-mysql          mountPath: /opt/shenyu-admin/conf/application-mysql.yml          subPath: shenyu-admin-application-mysql.yml        - name: mysql-connector-volume          mountPath: /opt/shenyu-admin/ext-lib
  • executekubectl apply -f shenyu-admin.yaml

3. Create shenyu-bootstrap#

  • create shenyu-bootstrap.yaml
# Example of using the nodeport type to expose portsapiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  namespace: shenyu  name: shenyu-bootstrap-svcspec:  selector:    app: shenyu-bootstrap  type: NodePort  ports:    - protocol: TCP      port: 9195      targetPort: 9195      nodePort: 31195---# shenyu-bootstrapapiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata:  namespace: shenyu  name: shenyu-bootstrapspec:  selector:    matchLabels:      app: shenyu-bootstrap  replicas: 1  template:    metadata:      labels:        app: shenyu-bootstrap    spec:      volumes:        - name: shenyu-bootstrap-application          configMap:            name: shenyu-cm            items:              - key: shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml                path: shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml      containers:        - name: shenyu-bootstrap          image: apache/shenyu-bootstrap:latest          ports:            - containerPort: 9195          env:            - name: TZ              value: Asia/Beijing          volumeMounts:            - name: shenyu-bootstrap-application              mountPath: /opt/shenyu-bootstrap/conf/application.yml              subPath: shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml
  • execute kubectl apply -f shenyu-bootstrap.yaml

Test Access#

Access Address:http://{K8S_CLUSTER_IP}:31095/
