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Version: 2.4.2

Quick start with Motan

This document introduces how to quickly access the Apache ShenYu gateway using Motan RPC. You can get the code example of this document by clicking here.

Environment to prepare#

Please refer to the deployment to select a way to start shenyu-admin. For example, start the Apache ShenYu gateway management system through local deployment .

After successful startup, you need to open the Sofa plugin on in the BasicConfig -> Plugin.

If you are a startup gateway by means of source, can be directly run the ShenyuBootstrapApplication of shenyu-bootstrap module.

Note: Before starting, make sure the gateway has added dependencies. Start up zookeeper in local.

Import the gateway proxy plugin for Motan and add the following dependencies to the gateway's pom.xml file:

        <!-- apache shenyu motan plugin -->        <dependency>            <groupId>org.apache.shenyu</groupId>            <artifactId>shenyu-spring-boot-starter-plugin-motan</artifactId>            <version>${project.version}</version>        </dependency>
        <dependency>            <groupId></groupId>            <artifactId>motan-core</artifactId>            <version>1.1.9</version>        </dependency>
        <dependency>            <groupId></groupId>            <artifactId>motan-registry-zookeeper</artifactId>            <version>1.1.9</version>        </dependency>
        <dependency>            <groupId></groupId>            <artifactId>motan-transport-netty4</artifactId>            <version>1.1.9</version>        </dependency>
        <dependency>            <groupId></groupId>            <artifactId>motan-springsupport</artifactId>            <version>1.1.9</version>        </dependency>

Run the shenyu-examples-motan project#

Download shenyu-examples-motan .

Run main method of org.apache.shenyu.examples.motan.service.TestMotanApplication to start this project.

log info as follows after starting:

2021-07-18 16:46:25.388  INFO 96 --- [           main] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer  : Tomcat started on port(s): 8081 (http) with context path ''2021-07-18 16:46:25.393  INFO 96 --- [           main] o.a.s.e.m.service.TestMotanApplication   : Started TestMotanApplication in 3.89 seconds (JVM running for 4.514)2021-07-18 16:46:25.396  INFO 96 --- [           main] info                                     : [ZookeeperRegistry] Url (null) will set to available to Registry [zookeeper://localhost:2181/default_rpc/]2021-07-18 16:46:25.399  INFO 96 --- [       Thread-6] o.a.s.c.c.s.ShenyuClientShutdownHook     : hook Thread-0 will sleep 3000ms when it start2021-07-18 16:46:25.399  INFO 96 --- [       Thread-6] o.a.s.c.c.s.ShenyuClientShutdownHook     : hook SpringContextShutdownHook will sleep 3000ms when it start2021-07-18 16:46:25.445  INFO 96 --- [ntLoopGroup-3-2] info                                     : NettyChannelHandler channelActive: remote=/ local=/ 16:46:25.445  INFO 96 --- [ntLoopGroup-3-1] info                                     : NettyChannelHandler channelActive: remote=/ local=/ 16:46:25.925  INFO 96 --- [or_consumer_-17] o.a.s.r.client.http.utils.RegisterUtils  : motan client register success: {"appName":"motan","contextPath":"/motan","path":"/motan/hello","pathDesc":"","rpcType":"motan","serviceName":"org.apache.shenyu.examples.motan.service.MotanDemoService","methodName":"hello","ruleName":"/motan/hello","parameterTypes":"java.lang.String","rpcExt":"{\"methodInfo\":[{\"methodName\":\"hello\",\"params\":[{\"left\":\"java.lang.String\",\"right\":\"name\"}]}],\"group\":\"motan-shenyu-rpc\"}","enabled":true,"host":"","port":8081,"registerMetaData":false} 


The shenyu-examples-motan project will automatically register the @ShenyuMotanClient annotated interface methods with the gateway and add selectors and rules. If not, you can manually add them.

Open PluginList -> rpc proxy -> motan to see the list of plugin rule configurations:

Use PostMan to simulate HTTP to request your Motan service: