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Version: 2.4.2

Monitor Plugin


  • Monitor plugin is used to monitor its own running status(JVM-related) by gateway, include request response delay, QPS, TPS, and other related metrics.

Technical Solutions#

  • Flow Diagram

  • Make even tracking in ShenYu Gateway by asynchronous or synchronous mode.

  • The prometheus server pulls metrics' through http request, and then displays it by Grafana.

Plugin Setting#

  • In shenyu-admin--> BasicConfig --> Plugin --> monitor, set to enable.
  • Add the following configuration in the monitor plugin.
# port : Pulled ports for exposing to prometheus service.# host : If not filled in, it is the host of Apache ShenYu Gateway.# async :"true" is asynchronous event tracking, false is synchronous event tracking.
  • If the user don't use, please disable the plugin in the background.
  • Introduce monitor dependency in the pom.xml file of the gateway.
  <!-- apache shenyu monitor plugin start-->  <dependency>      <groupId>org.apache.shenyu</groupId>      <artifactId>shenyu-spring-boot-starter-plugin-monitor</artifactId>      <version>${project.version}</version>  </dependency>  <!-- apache shenyu monitor plugin end-->
  • Selectors and rules, please refer to: Selector And Rule Config.
  • Only when the url is matched, the url will request event tracking.

Metrics Detail#

  • All JVM,thread,memory,and other related information will be made event tracking,you can add a JVM module in the Grafana' panel, and it will be fully displayed, please refer to:

  • There are also the following custom metrics

request_totalCounternonecollecting all requests of Apache ShenYu Gateway
http_request_totalCounterpath,typecollecting all matched requests of monitor

Collect metrics#

Users need to install Prometheus service to collect

  • Choose the corresponding environment download address to install

  • Modify configuration file: prometheus.yml

    scrape_configs:  # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.  - job_name: 'prometheus'    # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'    # scheme defaults to 'http'.    static_configs:    - targets: ['localhost:9190']

Note: The job_name corresponds to the metricsName of the monitor plug-in configuration

  • After the configuration is completed, you can directly double-click prometheus.exe in the window to start. The default boot port is 9090, Success can be verified at http://localhost:9090/

Panel Display#

It is recommended to use Grafana, Users can customize the query to personalize the display panel.

Here's how to install and deploy Grafana for Windows

  • Install Grafana

download Unzip it and enter the bin directory and double-click grafana-server.exe to run it. Go to http://localhost:3000/?orgId=1 admin/admin to verify the success

  • Config Prometheus DataSource

  • Config JVM Dashboard

Click Create - Import and enter the dashboards ID (8563 recommended).

The final JVM monitor panel looks like this:

  • Config Custom Metric Dashboard request_totalhttp_request_total

Click Create - Import and enter the panel config json

The final custom HTTP request monitoring panel looks like this: