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Version: 2.4.2

JWT plugin

1. Overview

1.1 Plugin Name#

  • jwt plugin

1.2 Appropriate Scenario#

  • Requires unified authentication by jwt at the gateway.

1.3 Plugin functionality#

  • The jwt plug-in is for the token attribute or authorization of the http request header to carry the attribute value for authentication judgment and judge OAuth2.0 .

1.4 Plugin code#

  • Core module is shenyu-plugin-jwt.
  • Core class is org.apache.shenyu.plugin.jwt.JwtPlugin.

1.5 Added Since Which shenyu version#

  • Since ShenYu 2.4.0

2.How to use plugin

2.1 Plugin-use procedure chart#

2.2 Import pom#

<dependency>    <groupId>org.apache.shenyu</groupId>    <artifactId>shenyu-spring-boot-starter-plugin-jwt</artifactId>    <version>${project.version}</version></dependency>

2.3 Enable plugin#

  • In shenyu-admin --> BasicConfig --> Plugin --> jwt set Status enable.

2.4 Config plugin#

2.4.1 Config plugin in ShenYu-Admin#

  • Config secretKey of jwt-plugin in shenyu-admin, the secretKey must more than 256 bit.
  • secretKey: The private key when using jwt to generate token, it is required.

2.4.2 Selector config#

2.4.3 Rule Config#

  • convert means jwt converter
  • jwtVal: jwt of body name
  • headerVal: jwt header name

2.5 Examples#

2.5.1 Use jwt token for authentication judgment# Config jwt-plugin# Config selector match service# Config rule match service# Generate json web token(jwt) with website#

  • You can open in your browser and fill in the corresponding parameters.
  • Config jwt header HEADER in
  • Config jwt body PAYLOAD in
  • Config jwt signature VERIFY SIGNATURE in Generate json web token(jwt) with java code#

public final class JwtPluginTest {      public void generateJwtCode() {    final String secreteKey = "shenyu-test-shenyu-test-shenyu-test";    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();    map.put("id", "1");    map.put("name", "xiaoming");    Date date = new Date();    date.setTime(1655524800000L);    String token = Jwts.builder()            .setIssuedAt(date)            .setExpiration(new Date())            .setClaims(map)            .signWith(Keys.hmacShaKeyFor(secreteKey.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)), SignatureAlgorithm.HS256)            .compact();    System.out.println(token);  }} Request Service# Request service with token#
  • request your service with jwt token token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoieGlhb21pbmciLCJpZCI6IjEifQ.LdRzGlB49alhq204chwF7pf3C0z8ZpuowPvoQdJmSRw in your request header. Request service Authorization#
  • request your service with Authorization Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoieGlhb21pbmciLCJpZCI6IjEifQ.LdRzGlB49alhq204chwF7pf3C0z8ZpuowPvoQdJmSRw in your request header. Validate request result#

  • error token request result
{  "code": 401,  "message": "Illegal authorization"}
  • normal token request result
{  "id": "123",  "name": "hello world save order"}

3. How to disable plugin

  • In shenyu-admin --> BasicConfig --> Plugin --> jwt set Status disable.