Client Property Config
This paper mainly explains how to configure the properties of Apache ShenYu when the client accesses the gateway.
Set the shenyu
property in your microservice, for example, in shenyu-examples-http :

Property Configshenyu: client: registerType: http #zookeeper #etcd #nacos #consul serverLists: http://localhost:9095 #localhost:2181 #http://localhost:2379 #localhost:8848 props: contextPath: /http appName: http port: 8189 nacosNameSpace: ShenyuRegisterCenter
Property Detail#
shenyu.client configThis section describes configurations related to client access. For details about client access principles, see: Application Client Access , for client access configuration, see: Application Client Access Config .
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
registerType | String | http | Yes | Which mode to use for registry. Currently, http, zookeeper, etcd, consul and nacos are supported. |
serverLists | String | null | No | Configure the address of the registry. In clustering, multiple addresses are separated by commas (,). |
props | The value of the property varies according to the registerType. |
When microservices are built by different protocols, the property configuration is slightly different. The general attributes are as follows:
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
contextPath | String | null | Yes | The route prefix of the microservice in the gateway. |
appName | String | null | Yes | microservice name. springcloud service don't set, please set . |
host | String | null | Yes | microservice address |
port | int | null | Yes | microservice port |
isFull | boolean | false | No | Whether to proxy the all service, currently just applies to springmvc / springcloud |
ipAndPort | String | null | No | Service IP and port address, currently just applies to gRPC Proxy. |
shutdownWaitTime | int | 3000 | No | shutdown wait time(millisecond) |
delayOtherHooksExecTime | int | 2000 | No | hook execute time(millisecond) |
applicationShutdownHooksClassName | String | java.lang.ApplicationShutdownHooks | No | hook execute class name |
applicationShutdownHooksFieldName | String | hooks | No | hook execute field name |
The value of the property varies according to the registerType
When the registerType is nacos
, there has no other properties.
When the registerType is zookeeper
, the supported properties are as follows.
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
sessionTimeout | int | 30000 | No | session time out(millisecond) |
connectionTimeout | int | 3000 | No | connection time out(millisecond) |
When the registerType is etcd
, the supported properties are as follows.
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
etcdTimeout | int | 30000 | No | etcd time out(millisecond) |
etcdTTL | int | 5 | No | client lease time to live(second) |
When the registerType is nacos
, the supported properties are as follows.
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
nacosNameSpace | String | null | Yes | namespace |
username | String | "" | No | username |
password | String | "" | No | password |
accessKey | String | "" | No | accessKey |
secretKey | String | "" | No | secretKey |
When the registerType is consul
, no other property configuration is provided. please set
for the configuration.