Admin Property Config
This paper mainly explains how to configure Apache ShenYu properties on the admin side.

Property Configshenyu: register: registerType: http #http #zookeeper #etcd #nacos #consul serverLists: #localhost:2181 #http://localhost:2379 #localhost:8848 props: sessionTimeout: 5000 connectionTimeout: 2000 checked: true zombieCheckTimes: 5 scheduledTime: 10 nacosNameSpace: ShenyuRegisterCenter database: dialect: mysql init_script: "META-INF/schema.sql" init_enable: true sync: websocket: enabled: true# zookeeper:# url: localhost:2181# sessionTimeout: 5000# connectionTimeout: 2000# http:# enabled: true# nacos:# url: localhost:8848# namespace: 1c10d748-af86-43b9-8265-75f487d20c6c# username:# password:# acm:# enabled: false# endpoint: namespace:# accessKey:# secretKey:# etcd:# url: http://localhost:2379# consul:# url: http://localhost:8500 aes: secret: key: 2095132720951327 iv: 6075877187097700 ldap: enabled: false url: ldap://xxxx:xxx bind-dn: cn=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx password: xxxx base-dn: ou=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx object-class: person login-field: cn jwt: expired-seconds: 86400000 shiro: white-list: - / - /favicon.* - /static/** - /index** - /plugin - /platform/** - /websocket - /configs/** - /shenyu-client/** - /error - /actuator/health - /swagger-ui.html - /webjars/** - /swagger-resources/** - /v2/api-docs - /csrf swagger: enable: true
Property Detail#
shenyu.register configThis section describes configurations related to client access. For details about client access principles, see: Application Client Access , for client access configuration, see: Application Client Access Config .
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
registerType | String | http | Yes | Which mode to use for registry. Currently, http, zookeeper, etcd, consul and nacos are supported. |
serverLists | String | null | No | Configure the address of the registry. If http is used, you do not need to enter this parameter. In clustering, multiple addresses are separated by commas (,). |
props | The value of the property varies according to the registerType. |
The value of the attribute varies according to the registerType.
When the registerType is http
, the supported properties are as follows.
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
checked | boolean | false | No | is checked |
zombieCheckTimes | int | 5 | No | how many times does it fail to detect the service. |
scheduledTime | int | 10 | No | timed detection interval time |
When the registerType is zookeeper
, the supported properties are as follows.
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
sessionTimeout | int | 30000 | No | session timeout(millisecond) |
connectionTimeout | int | 3000 | No | connection timeout(millisecond) |
When the registerType is etcd
, no properties are provided for the time being.
When the registerType is nacos
, the supported properties are as follows.
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
nacosNameSpace | String | null | Yes | namespace |
username | String | "" | No | username |
password | String | "" | No | password |
accessKey | String | "" | No | accessKey |
secretKey | String | "" | No | secretKey |
When the registerType is consul
, the supported properties are as follows.
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
delay | int | 1 | No | The interval of each polling of monitoring metadata, in seconds, the default value is 1 second. |
wait-time | int | 55 | No | # wait-time: The waiting time for each polling of metadata monitoring, in seconds, the default value is 55 second . |
metadata-path | String | shenyu/register | No | Metadata path name, default is shenyu/register . |
shenyu.database configDatabase configuration when shenyu-admin
is started.
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
dialect | String | h2 | No | which database is used when admin is started. |
init_script | String | META-INF/schema.h2.sql | No | database initialization script. |
init_enable | boolean | true | No | whether to initialize. |
shenyu.sync configThe Admin System and the Apache ShenYu gateway use data synchronization configurations.
The following properties are configured for data synchronization using websocket
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
enabled | boolean | true | No | whether to enable websocket for data synchronization. |
The following properties are configured for data synchronization using zookeeper
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
url | String | null | Yes | zookeeper server url |
sessionTimeout | int | null | Yes | session timeout(millisecond) |
connectionTimeout | int | null | Yes | connection timeout(millisecond) |
The following properties are configured for data synchronization using http long polling
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
enabled | boolean | true | No | whether to enable. |
refreshInterval | int | 5(minute) | No | Periodically fetch data from the database and load it into memory. |
notifyBatchSize | int | 100 | No | notify clients in batches |
The following properties are configured for data synchronization using nacos
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
url | String | null | 是 | nacos url |
namespace | String | null | Yes | namespace |
username | String | null | No | username |
password | String | null | No | password |
acm | No | aliyun ACM service configuration |
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
enabled | boolean | false | No | whether to enable |
endpoint | String | null | No | ACM service address |
namespace | String | null | No | namespace |
accessKey | String | null | No | accessKey |
secretKey | String | null | No | secretKey |
The following properties are configured for data synchronization using etcd
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
url | String | null | Yes | etcd url |
The following properties are configured for data synchronization using consul
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
url | String | null | Yes | consul url |
shenyu.aes.secret configaes secret properties:
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
key | String | 2095132720951327 | No | key |
iv | String | null | No | iv |
shenyu.ldap configSpring ldap properties:
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
enabled | boolean | true | No | whether to enable |
url | String | null | No | ldap url |
bind-dn | String | null | No | UserDn |
password | String | null | No | password |
base-dn | String | null | No | searchBase |
object-class | String | person | No | filter |
login-field | String | cn | No | searchBase |
connectTimeout | int | 3000 | No | connect timeout(millisecond) |
readTimeout | int | 3000 | No | read timeout(millisecond) |
shenyu.jwt configjwt
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
expired-seconds | long | 24 60 60 * 1000L | No | expiration time(millisecond) |
shenyu.shiro configshiro
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
white-list | List | null | No | white list |