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Version: 2.3.0-Legacy

Custom Plugin


  • Plugins are core executors of soul gateway. Every plugin handles matched requests when enabled.
  • There are two kinds of plugins in the soul gateway.
  • The first type is a call chain with a single responsibility, and traffic cannot be customized.
  • The other one can do its own chain of responsibility for matched traffic.
  • You could reference from soul-plugin module and develop plugins by yourself. Please fire pull requests of your wonderful plugins without hesitate.

Single Responsibility Plugins#

  • Add following dependency:
 <dependency>        <groupId>org.dromara</groupId>        <artifactId>soul-plugin-api</artifactId>        <version>${last.version}</version>  </dependency>
  • Declare a new class named "A" and implements org.dromara.soul.plugin.api.SoulPlugin
public interface SoulPlugin {        /**     * Process the Web request and (optionally) delegate to the next     * {@code WebFilter} through the given {@link SoulPluginChain}.     *     * @param exchange the current server exchange     * @param chain    provides a way to delegate to the next filter     * @return {@code Mono<Void>} to indicate when request processing is complete     */    Mono<Void> execute(ServerWebExchange exchange, SoulPluginChain chain);        /**     * return plugin order .     * This attribute To determine the plugin execution order in the same type plugin.     *     * @return int order     */    int getOrder();        /**     * acquire plugin name.     * this is plugin name define you must offer the right name.     * if you impl AbstractSoulPlugin this attribute not use.     *     * @return plugin name.     */    default String named() {        return "";    }        /**     * plugin is execute.     * if return true this plugin can not execute.     *     * @param exchange the current server exchange     * @return default false.     */    default Boolean skip(ServerWebExchange exchange) {        return false;    }}

Detailed instruction of interface methods:

  • execute() core method, you can do any task here freely.
  • getOrder() get the order of current plugin.
  • named() acquire the name of specific plugin.
  • skip() determines whether this plugin should be skipped under certain conditions.
  • Register plugin in Spring as a Bean, or simply apply @Component in implementation class.
    @Bean    public SoulPlugin a() {        return new A();    }

Matching Traffic Processing Plugin#

  • Introduce the following dependency:
 <dependency>        <groupId>org.dromara</groupId>        <artifactId>soul-plugin-base</artifactId>        <version>${last.version}</version>  </dependency>
  • Add a new class A, inherit from org.dromara.soul.plugin.base.AbstractSoulPlugin

  • examples down below:

/** * This is your custom plugin. * He is running in after before plugin, implement your own functionality. * extends AbstractSoulPlugin so you must user soul-admin And add related plug-in development. * * @author xiaoyu(Myth) */public class CustomPlugin extends AbstractSoulPlugin {        /**     * return plugin order .     * The same plugin he executes in the same order.     *     * @return int     */    @Override    public int getOrder() {        return 0;    }
    /**     * acquire plugin name.     * return you custom plugin name.     * It must be the same name as the plug-in you added in the admin background.     *     * @return plugin name.     */    @Override    public String named() {        return "soul";    }
    /**     * plugin is execute.     * Do I need to skip.     * if you need skip return true.     *     * @param exchange the current server exchange     * @return default false.     */    @Override    public Boolean skip(final ServerWebExchange exchange) {        return false;    }
    @Override    protected Mono<Void> doExecute(ServerWebExchange exchange, SoulPluginChain chain, SelectorZkDTO selector, RuleZkDTO rule) {        LOGGER.debug(".......... function plugin start..............");        /*         * Processing after your selector matches the rule.         * rule.getHandle() is you Customize the json string to be processed.         * for this example.         * Convert your custom json string pass to an entity class.         */        final String ruleHandle = rule.getHandle();
        final Test test = GsonUtils.getInstance().fromJson(ruleHandle, Test.class);
        /*         * Then do your own business processing.         * The last execution  chain.execute(exchange).         * Let it continue on the chain until the end.         */        System.out.println(test.toString());        return chain.execute(exchange);    }}
  • Detailed explanation:

    • Plugins will match the selector rule for customized plugins inherit from this abstract class. Following steps guide you to config your plugins.

    • Firstly define a new plugin in soul-admin, please mind that your plugin name should match the named() method overridden in your class.

    • Re-login soul-admin, the plugin you added now showing on plugin-list page, you can choose selectors for matching.

    • There is a field named handler in rules, it is customized json string to be processed. You can process data after acquiring a ruleHandle (final String ruleHandle = rule.getHandle();) in doExecute() method.

  • Register plugin in Spring as a Bean, or simply apply @Component in implementation class.

    @Bean    public SoulPlugin a() {        return new A();    }

Subscribe your plugin data and do customized jobs#

  • Declare a new class named "A" and implements org.dromara.soul.plugin.base.handler.PluginDataHandler
public interface PluginDataHandler {        /**     * Handler plugin.     *     * @param pluginData the plugin data     */    default void handlerPlugin(PluginData pluginData) {    }        /**     * Remove plugin.     *     * @param pluginData the plugin data     */    default void removePlugin(PluginData pluginData) {    }        /**     * Handler selector.     *     * @param selectorData the selector data     */    default void handlerSelector(SelectorData selectorData) {    }        /**     * Remove selector.     *     * @param selectorData the selector data     */    default void removeSelector(SelectorData selectorData) {    }        /**     * Handler rule.     *     * @param ruleData the rule data     */    default void handlerRule(RuleData ruleData) {    }        /**     * Remove rule.     *     * @param ruleData the rule data     */    default void removeRule(RuleData ruleData) {    }        /**     * Plugin named string.     *     * @return the string     */    String pluginNamed();    }
  • Ensure pluginNamed() is same as the plugin name you defined.
  • Register defined class as a Spring Bean, or simply apply @Component in implementation class.
    @Bean    public PluginDataHandler a() {        return new A();    }

Do not use SelectorList and RulesList#

Not all plugins need both.

Therefore, we provide the following two methods, written in CustomPlugin.

    @Override    protected Mono<Void> handleSelectorIsNull(final String pluginName,                                               final ServerWebExchange exchange,                                               final SoulPluginChain chain) {        return doExecute(exchange, chain, null, null);    }
    @Override    protected Mono<Void> handleRuleIsNull(final String pluginName,                                           final ServerWebExchange exchange,                                           final SoulPluginChain chain) {        return doExecute(exchange, chain, null, null);    }
  • Note that if there is no rewriting, your plug-in will be invalid due to the absence of SelectorList and RulesList.